7 Sept 2014

Day #7 of compact photography and editing by numbers.
Busy day 2. Lucky image.

Just for fun: Alex Turner - Submarine (EP).


  1. Great colors and clarity without being contrasty! Great timing to catch those swim fins going down! Looks like everyone is having fun with this one...you, too!

  2. At first I thought .. wow, this toy looks so real and big and then saw the fins and realized that it is real. Love the moment you took the photo with those fins sticking out like a duck taking a plunge. Made me smile.
    Maggie - Eurydice

  3. You had me fooled, convinced that this was a small toy with some paint missing off the sides and the fins appeared as some sort of winding mechanism. Of course, full size tells a better story. Amazing timing to catch this gem! As always, great choice of music!

  4. Great optival illusion. At first I thought it was the distance between the boat and the fins did the trick ... and then I saw that the captain looks to human to be a doll.
    I love how the position of the fins adds lots of humour and storytelling.

  5. Great optical illusion. At first I thought the distance betwwen the boat and the fins did the trick but then I realised the captain looks to human to be a doll.
    The position of the fins adds lots of humour and storytelling.

  6. Are those fins going in or coming out?
