30 Sept 2014

Less cluttered part of my desk. Welcome to my 30-days reality. :)
To be continued... (Stay tuned for Toys II)

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now.


  1. Ha! Funny image and a great way to finish the month. I see we have the same wacom version. Years old -- but quite the workhorse!
    congratulations on completing the entire 30 days. It was fun to come and see the images you created with so many different kinds of toys **wink, wink**
    Best of luck in the final challenge and yes, on to ToysII!
    Maggie - Eurydice!

  2. Not good! On behalf of the soft toy inside of the jar, this photo is NOT good! It does make for interesting viewing though!

  3. This is so cute! For a minute, I thought Elmo was being cooked on a stove! Great idea to stuff a stuffed toy. Thank you for keeping us entertained and curious all month long. Looking forward to the Toys' sequel!

  4. Very well done on completing the challenge. You have some nice shots here. I like day 11 the best - just because I like minimilism and that photo definitely comes under that category!
